Miss Enchanter - Ophelia's Story Read online

Page 2

  “All that will be settled soon, dear, just go in and have a good rest and get to know your new home. It is O.K. then, if Hugo and I take Aunt Gertie’s urn with us?” Luna asked again.

  Up until this point, Ophelia had been operating on pure adrenaline, but now the events of the last couple of days over took her. She handed Luna her mother’s ashes and then she and Thelma waved goodnight to Hugo and Luna as they went inside of Thelma’s house to finally get some sleep in a real bed. Ophelia did not think of the bright red ruby ring which, with the help of the sun, had parted the rocks in the mountain and allowed her and Thelma access to Enchanted. Nor did she notice when Thelma gave it to Luna.

  Chapter 3

  Ophelia woke with a start. It took her a moment or two to realize where she was, which was in a giant sized four poster bed with ivory colored goose down pillows and covers. She sat up and looked at her surroundings. Last night she and Thelma had been so exhausted from their travels and adventures of the last several days, that they had barely taken the time to say good night to each other before Thelma showed Ophelia to her room.

  The room was painted a hunter green and had two big bay windows that at the moment was letting in a brilliant warmth from the bright sun. The room had a large fireplace, a writing desk with what looked like a Tiffany lamp on it, two old fashioned, but pretty brocade chairs, and a carpet over the dark hard wood floors which the couch in front of the fireplace sat on. Not bad, not bad at all. Ophelia had never seen such opulence before.

  Ophelia went into the bathroom, which was adjoined to her bedroom. There was a bright red clawed foot tub. Other than the tub, the bathroom looked very modern. Double sink counter, large mirror, modern lighting. Ophelia took a shower, which was next to the tub. She wanted to wait until she could savor the joy of soaking in a hot sudsy tub later.

  Walking back into the bedroom, Ophelia noticed a big cherry wood armoire. Opening it she found clothes that were all in her size. She got dressed and then walked into the kitchen where she smelled fresh coffee.

  “Good morning, Thelma.” Ophelia said, walking over to pour herself a mug of the chocolate coffee that had her sniffing and smiling.

  “Good afternoon to you too. I didn’t want to wake you, I trust that you slept well.”

  “I slept wonderfully! I don’t think I had any dreams, but just being here is a dream come true. What is for breakfast?”

  “We have a full refrigerator and pantry, feel free to make whatever you wish for your breakfast.” Thelma said. “I myself had some delicious French toast and bacon, but there is sausage and pancake mix, eggs, whatever you need, we should have the ingredients for. For lunch I had a hamburger and fries. I see you found the clothes.”

  Ophelia was a bit taken back that she was expected to make her own breakfast. “Yes, are the clothes for me? There is a good selection in the cabinet.”

  “I’m glad you approve, dear.” Thelma said, picking up her coffee mug and walking out of the kitchen.

  Ophelia made herself some toast and drank another cup of the chocolate coffee. She then walked into the living room, and then into a room she supposed was a den. No television?

  She walked out onto the wraparound porch and again marveled at the beauty before her. She walked around to the back of the house where she found a path that led to another house. This one was smaller, but no less grand. Ophelia walked up to the door and knocked.

  A very nice looking young man came to the door, carrying a box. “Oh, hello, I thought I heard someone knock.” He said.

  Ophelia looked at the tall man with the green eyes and muscular build and she almost forgot herself and purred.

  “I’ll be out of your way in just a moment. This is the last of the stuff that I left here. I’ve been so busy that this is the first chance I have had to come back and get it. My name is Sebastian, by the way.” The young man said, holding out his hand while balancing the box on his hip. Ophelia thought that she had heard that name since coming to Enchanted, but at the moment, couldn’t place it.

  “I am Ophelia. Thelma’s cousin.” She said, shaking his hand.

  “Yes, I figured that. So, you and Thelma have just returned from Europe? I met her this morning. I trust you had a nice trip.” Sebastian said, moving out of the way so that Ophelia could enter the house.

  Ophelia did remember what her cousins had told her regarding their return. “Yes, we did. Sebastian, your name sounds familiar, I am trying to remember what Thelma must have told me about you. Do you live near here?” She asked, hoping the answer would be yes.

  “Used to live right here, in this house, with my sister Isabel. My wife, Catherine, used to stay in the big house and watch over Twinkle. It was nice of Thelma to send word through Luna that we could keep Twinkle when we moved. Our son Cody had gotten very attached to her.” Sebastian said.

  “I remember now, Thelma did say that you and Catherine and Cody all met here and got married. That wasn’t that long ago I take it?”

  “About a year I guess. I used to be caretaker of this entire estate and my sister made the chocolates for Thelma’s Chocolate Shop which Catherine manages. Now Catherine and I have our own place over the other side of the hill, a few miles from the center of town, and Isabel has also moved on. What are you going to be doing in Enchanted?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Where will you be working? Or are you here just visiting?” Sebastian asked, smiling with his perfect white teeth that Ophelia had a hard time not being distracted by.

  “I don’t work.” She stated, wondering why he would ask her such a question, especially since they had just met.

  “Well, it was nice meeting you, Ophelia, enjoy your stay. This is the last of our stuff, so the place is all yours. You will be staying here in this house, won’t you?”

  Ophelia looked around at the massive kitchen and although the house looked clean and attractive, nothing would make her give up her beautiful bed and bedroom in the main house. “No, I plan to live in the other house, it was nice meeting you too, Sebastian, and maybe I will see you again and meet your wife Connie one day.”

  “Catherine. Take care.” Sebastian said, picking up the box and leaving through the kitchen door.

  Whatever. Ophelia decided to check out the rest of the house. The furnishings looked much more modern here than in the main house. Still no television thought, what’s up with that? Ophelia walked through the house to the backyard where she saw posts and sections of land were portioned off, probably for gardens. She wondered how many employees Thelma had to help run the estate, it seemed very large to her. Beyond the gardens was a large stretch of land and then the woods. She could see parts of the lake to her right.

  Ophelia was bored. She had gotten her hopes up when she saw Sebastian, but since that wasn’t to be, she didn’t see anyone or anything else that might be able to hold her interest. She walked to the main house and noticed that Thelma was in the living room sitting near the fire in the fireplace reading.

  “Hi Thelma. Don’t you guys have a T.V. anywhere around here?”

  “No, never saw the need for one really. Although, I did spend a lot of time watching it with the Gaunter family.’ Thelma answered.

  “So then, are we going to get one?”

  “One what, dear?”

  “A television set” Duhhhh she added to herself.

  “No. Have you given any thought to what you might like to do, dear?”

  “Do about what?” Ophelia asked.

  “Have you given any thought to what you want to do with your time while you are here in Enchanted? Do you like to bake, or clean, or teach? Would you like to be a sales associate, or do you prefer working with your hands? There are a lot of opportunities for you.” Thelma said.

  “I thought that I would start out by watching television and seeing what the local channels have to offer. Are you saying that I have to get a job?”

  “If you want to eat there are farmers and cooks, restaurant workers too. If you lik
e pretty clothes, there are people who sew them and sale them. We as a people, like people everywhere, work as a team. We all do our share.”

  “Only we are not like ordinary people, are we? We have special powers. Can’t you just blink or snap your fingers or something and create dinner, or a television?” Ophelia asked.

  Patients was never one of Thelma’s strong points. Ophelia was well past the age where she should be babied, she had to be over ninety years old by now, even though physically she was still a beautiful very young lady. Instead of pointing her age out to her, Thelma took a sip of her coffee and continued to read. “You don’t have to decide today, dear, take a day or two and think about it if you wish.”

  “I met Sebastian earlier, he was taking the rest of his stuff from the smaller house.” Ophelia said.

  Thelma was glad that the conversation turned back to neutral ground. “Sebastian and his family are very nice, he did a very good job around here too, kept everything in tip top shape.”

  “Who is going to be doing all of that work now?” Ophelia asked.

  “There is not that much to do in the winter months. We are not usually in town then, but there are special exceptions, like this year. Sebastian has already made sure that enough wood is cut for the fireplaces and there is always plenty of cooking and baking supplies and other necessities here. If you need something that you don’t see, just let me know and we can obtain it for you.” Thelma said, looking down at her book and adjusting her glasses, a clear signal that she intended to get back to her reading.

  “Sebastian said that you gave his son Twinkle the cat.”

  “That is correct.”

  “How? I mean, I thought you were the cat when his wife and her son lived in this house, wasn’t that part of the deal, they watch the cat and you watch them?”

  “Yes, but when Luna, Hugo and I left here, we placed a regular cat in the house so that was not a problem. It was the actual cat that Cody took with him to their new house.”

  “That makes sense. Where does Luna and Hugo live?”

  “They have a beautiful home deep in the woods. They prefer it to city life.”

  “Hugo as a deer though, that it strange.” When Thelma did not comment on her comment, Ophelia went into her bedroom, shed her clothes and fixed herself a hot soapy bubble bath in the red clawed bathtub. She found some very nice smelling bath salts, even better than Sarah Gaunter had in her downstairs bathroom that Ophelia had gotten into right before they left there.

  When Ophelia got out of the bath, she noticed that it was dark outside already. She walked into the living room and then the kitchen, but did not see Thelma. Ophelia was not tired, she had slept most of the day. She wondered what people did for fun in this town. She started to get dressed, but then heard the wind howling outside and saw the snow falling heavily when she looked out her bedroom window. Maybe it’s not such a good idea to go exploring the town tonight.

  This had been only her first full day in Enchanted and true, she had slept away most of it, also true that the weather was bad outside, but it was bad everywhere, even on the other side. For the first time, Ophelia wondered if her mother had been bored here as well. Was that why she left Enchanted? Ophelia had been so busy blaming her mother for where they were living, and why, that she never actually sat down and talked to her rationally about it.

  Truth was, Gertie never spoke much about Enchanted either. Whenever Ophelia told her mother that she was going to run away and find Enchanted, Gertie would get a look on her face that was part fear, but also part sadness. Ophelia knew that her mother had been a great beauty in her youth. Flame read hair and very beautiful, by anyone’s standards. Ophelia was always proud that she took after her mother in that department.

  Ophelia put on a pair of silk pajamas and a soft robe and went to sit by the fire. She was hungry, haven only eaten the toast when she woke up as far as a meal goes. She got up and went into the kitchen to look for something to eat. She found several good choices, but didn’t feel like cooking, specially knowing she would be expected to clean up after herself if she did.

  When she was stuck living with Mrs. Johnson, nothing was expected of her. Mrs. Johnson did all the cooking and cleaning and all Ophelia did was sleep and eat and keep the old lady company while she watched television. It certainly wasn’t the kind of life that she had wanted then, and she did not want that now.

  Ophelia made herself a sandwich and poured herself a glass of milk and went to sit by the fire again. She had also found a supply of chocolates, but she had eaten so much at the Chocolate Shop upon their arrival into the Village, that Ophelia was determined to stick to a more healthy diet.

  She walked back into her bedroom and sat on the window seat and watched the snow fall as she ate. She didn’t know if having all of this time to just think would be good, but it occurred to her that it was the first time in many years, since she had jumped into Mrs. Johnson’s vehicle right before it took off, that thinking might actually be a requirement.

  Oh it was true that she brainstormed with her cousin Thelma when they were planning their escape, but everything had happened so quickly and Ophelia relied on Thelma so much, that actually very little of the planning was due to any great skill of Ophelia’s.

  Ophelia finished her sandwich and milk and continued to watch the falling snow until she finally became sleepy. She then walked over and laid on her bed and fell fast asleep.

  Chapter 4

  “Would you like to go into town today, Ophelia?” Thelma asked her when Ophelia walked into the kitchen the next morning.

  “Sure! Are we going to go shopping?”

  “If there is something that you need, you can get it. I just thought it would be fun for you to see the Village. The hotel has an indoor pool if you like to swim, we could go by there. The weather is supposed to be better today, so it would be a good day for you to see what Enchanted has to offer.” Thelma said, handing Ophelia a mug of chocolate coffee.

  “This coffee is excellent, but do you have any other flavors?”

  “How about caramel, mint, vanilla, hazelnut, coconut, cherry, pumpkin, orange, even blueberry and that is only a partial list. There is also caffeine free, has to be with all the coffee consumed around here. Is there any place you would like to start the tour in town?”

  “How about a restaurant to get some breakfast?” Ophelia said picking up a blueberry muffin from the table.

  “We can do that. Ophelia, would you like me to show you how to cook? At least some basic dishes? It just occurred to me that you probably haven’t cooked in a very long time.”

  “The last time I made cookies, there was a board in the stove that we put the cookies on to keep from falling off. Is there any healthy food in Enchanted? All the chocolate and sweets are wonderful, but a girl has to watch her figure.”

  “Of course. Especially in the warm months, we have quite an extensive garden in the back here, and none of our meats have preservatives in them. If you are ready to go into the Village I will go round up Caramel.”

  “Sounds good to me!

  Thelma and Ophelia made their way to the hill in the wagon which was being pulled by Caramel. Each time they hit a slight pothole Ophelia would make a remark. Thelma held her tongue, but it wasn’t easy. When they got to the hill and walked up it, Ophelia noticed a building that had a sign indicating that it was a Recreation Hall.

  “A rec hall, do they have dances there, Thelma?”

  “We had a very large Halloween party last time I was here, we had dancing and games and it was a very big festival. You would have loved it.” Thelma told her.

  “So, when is the next big blow out party going to be?”

  “With this winter the way it is, I am not sure. Like I mentioned, we do not usually stick around in the winter time. I am sure they probably schedule some sort of Christmas party or New Year’s Eve party there.”

  “Christmas is a long ways off. I was thinking of somewhere I could go tonight to dance and have some f
un.” Ophelia said. “I haven’t had any fun in decades!”

  Thelma and Ophelia walked into the restaurant and Ophelia’s eyes immediately zeroed in on a tall young man with blond hair and blue eyes. “Hello.” She said as she brushed past him to get to a table.

  “Hello. Oh, hi Thelma, this must be your cousin Ophelia.” The young man said turning to look at Ophelia for the first time. “My name is Tom. I’m just leaving, but Jill should be here to take your order in a moment or two. Take care.”

  Ophelia shook the young man’s hand as he offered it to her, then watched as he walked out the door. “O.K., Thelma, don’t tell me he is married too.”

  “Not yet, but I am working on it.” Said the young lady with a big smile walked up to their table. “Hi, I am Jill, I see you’ve met my boyfriend.”

  “Jill, this is my cousin Ophelia.” Thelma said.

  “Hello, Jill, nice looking boyfriend. I am starving! What is the special for today?” Ophelia said looking at the menu Jill handed her and feeling a bit embarrassed that Jill had overheard her talking about her boyfriend.

  Thelma and Ophelia each ordered a large breakfast and then Thelma studied her cousin’s face. “Why the glum look, Ophelia?”

  “Enchanted just isn’t what I expected is all.” She answered.

  “So tell me what you expected.” Thelma questioned.

  “I had the impression that Enchanted is a wonderful place where all your dreams can come true and that you and Luna had a big part in making that happen.”

  “That is true. But to be happy, truly happy, you have to know what you want and understand what it takes it get it and to keep it. Nothing is just handed to you on a silver platter here.”